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Port Freeport retained TGC to develop a competitive grant application through the Port Infrastructure Development Program, operated by the U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration. Working closely with the Port, TGC led funding pursuit and developed a successful grant application, securing nearly $16M in funding.
TGC provided the Port Houston with analysis on the possibility to electrify some of the drayage vehicles at the Port. TGC assisted the Port with the development of project specifications, completed a benefit-cost analysis for Build/No-Build scenarios, and researched potential competitive grant opportunities.
TGC partnered with Harris County Precinct 4 to secure $11.3M through the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Grant for the Burnett Bayland Park Improvements Project in Houston's Gulfton community.
TGC provided the Greater Northside Management District, in partnership with Harris County Precinct 2, a Capital Project Development Strategy — Northside On the Move — to identify and prioritize transportation and mobility improvement projects for which the District could systematically pursue funding to enhance transportation infrastructure.
The development of the Quitman Street Project represents TGC's successful pursuit of over $1.9M in regional funds, project conceptualization and planning, benefits analysis, environmental, grant management, engineering, and interagency coordination. TGC was integral to developing a five-party partnership with the Federal Transit Administration, Houston METRO, City of Houston, Harris County Precinct 2, and Greater Northside Management District.
Galveston County contracted TGC to assist the County Engineering Department in leading project development of a vehicular bridge replacement to Pelican Island. TGC services included oversight of the Request for Qualifications Process for Engineering Services and oversight of the Professional Engineer Process.
The Memorial Heights Redevelopment Authority hired TGC to advance the reconstruction of Shepherd and Durham, a pair of Houston arterials that as of 2018 had four-times the statewide rate for motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclist crashes. The project was awarded a total of $65M, and TGC was the lead firm involved in all funding pursuit efforts.
TGC developed a successful grant application for Port Freeport through the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program, securing $6.3M to improve infrastructure and increase rail capacity.
TGC teamed with UltraBarrio to develop the Southwest Civic Core Redevelopment Plan, an action plan for Houston's most dense and diverse neighborhood. This plan synthesizes and builds upon more than 15 years of community planning and development efforts across the Greater Sharpstown and Gulfton areas, leveraging the collective actions and emergent possibilities of a stronger, more strategic framework for action.
TGC worked with Doña Ana County, New Mexico as the lead planning and funding consultant and developed grant applications through two competitive programs. TGC successfully secured a $31M grant from the USDOT Federal Railroad Administration FY22 Railroad Crossing Elimination Program.
TGC serves as a general planning consultant for The Woodlands Township Transit Department since 2020. Services include transit asset management planning, short and long range planning, National Transit Database reporting, Title VI and DBE compliance, procurements, funding pursuit, grant management, and more.
TGC provided the City of Leander with a detailed financial analysis of existing transit services, including but not limiting to, cost per trip, cost per capita, sales tax contribution projections, and peer comparison of similar financial data. TGC also examined national literature and met with local developers to help determine the effect of public transit on station area land use values and development potential.
To help encourage safe pedestrian access and economic development, the St. George Place Redevelopment Authority proposed a plan to build a sidewalk over the well-worn paths. TGC led project development, engineering design, and construction administration as well as intergovernmental coordination.
TGC led coordination efforts with VIA Metropolitan Transit to explore innovative methods for integrating proposed improvements into their transit system and identified funding opportunities to facilitate implementation. Strategies included the development of several public-private partnership (P3) approaches which are compatible with Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding.
TGC led the process to develop and evaluate several transit service concepts related to the Rethinking I-94: Phase 2 Environmental Process. Our “Rethinking I-94 Transit Scoping & Idea Exploration Technical Memorandum” serves as a resource for MnDOT to strategically consider how to integrate transit improvements into potential highway designs in the I-94 corridor.
TGC worked with the City of Dayton, TX to develop and analyze priority mobility and infrastructure projects, developing seven projects while applying for discretionary funding opportunities and preparing the required analyses for input into the applications. The City was awarded over $2.5M.
TGC was hired by four clients to develop Off-System Highway Safety Improvement Program grant applications for submission to the Texas Department of Transportation. TGC’s efforts included developing schematic concepts, safety benefit calculations, and full application documentation. We secured approximately $1.75M in federal funding for the implementation for all four projects.
TGC provides professional planning and engineering services for Houston Southeast to help further their organizational objectives. Specific projects include: evaluation of bus stops to identify locations for amenity enhancements and custom bus shelters; development of 100% plans, specifications, and estimates; intergovernmental coordination; and funding pursuit.
TGC was retained by the City of Houston to serve as staff augmentation for the completion of their annual Major Thoroughfare and Freeway Plan (MTFP) update process. TGC coordinated with the City and the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) to complete Travel Demand Model (TDM) runs for proposed amendments and was responsible for QA/QC of model outputs.
TGC completed bus route optimization studies for 11 bus routes operated by the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO). Over 1,200 bus stops were reviewed as part of this effort. The primary objective of stop optimization is to provide quicker, more reliable service with less frequent stop-starts through the removal or relocation of bus stops.
Transportation safety is a top priority for the City of Houston and Near Northwest Management District. In response to the 35 vehicle crashes that occurred at or near the study area intersection from 2019 to 2021, TGC proposed a design that aims to not only enhance traffic flow but also increase safety for all roadway users.
TGC developed a strategy prioritizing transportation improvement projects for which the Near Northwest Management District could systematically pursue funding over the coming years to enhance transportation infrastructure within the District. TGC evaluated and ranked 18 projects using 27 metrics in six categories.
Texas Department of Transportation initiates Call for Projects for Transportation Alternative Set-Aside and Safe Routes to School funding to support bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements. TGC engineering and environmental staff has played an integral role in the delivery of these applications.
TGC brings significant experience in completing mobility related safety analysis to evaluate previously identified projects and identify safety-oriented needs within a given study area. Since 2018, we have leveraged significant discretionary funding for safety improvements through programs such as HSIP, CRISI, and others.
Amid COVID-19, TGC was tasked with the creation of an Economic Development Strategic Plan for Downtown Giddings, TX. The planning process involved a robust stakeholder engagement process which included phone and web-based interviews with over 20 stakeholders over a period of several weeks.
TGC’s role in The Woodlands began in the 1980’s through direct coordination with George P. Mitchell and Ian McHarg. Discussions between the parties led to the focus on the concept and creation of a public-private partnership for one of the first sustainability-oriented master planned developments in the country.
TGC examined the feasibility of a trail from FM 270 to Interstate Highway 45 in Webster, TX. TGC coordinated with property owners, utility agencies, public state and local agencies to determine design guidelines, process, and permitting. Additional agencies included the Harris County Flood Control District, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Union Pacific Railroad.
Since 2008, TGC has worked with the City of Conroe to plan and implement mobility improvements throughout the city. Mobility projects have ranged from back-of-curb to intersection improvements, added capacity, roadway reconstruction, and transit services and infrastructure.
TGC developed an economic development strategy focusing on the area’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and related impacts to the commercial office marketplace. We completed extensive research, a robust economic analysis, and an infrastructure analysis, which resulted in the creation of a capital improvement program.
TGC completed a Community Plan for the unincorporated community of Barrett, TX, a Freedom Colony located in northeast Harris County. The planning process was initiated at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in a massive shift in public outreach and stakeholder engagement practices.
For additional information or questions, contact TGC to learn more about our services, our team, and our mission to connect capital to communities across Texas and beyond.