Mobility Oriented Safety Planning and Design
TGC brings significant experience in completing mobility related safety analysis both to evaluate previously identified projects and to identify safety-oriented needs within a given study area. Since 2018, TGC has leveraged significant discretionary funding for safety improvements through programs such as HSIP, CRISI, and others. Our approach for this process includes:
Evaluation of crash data to identify areas which have a high incidence of crash frequency and severity
Completion of community engagement to identify areas of concern and to assist in overall project prioritization
Parsing crash data via applicable countermeasure codes to assist in the development of improvements
Validation of proposed improvements via preliminary engineering analysis and the identification of schematic documents and cost estimates
Benefit cost analysis based upon the proposed countermeasures, their cost, and the estimated reduction in future crash incidence
Pursuit of discretionary funding to implement improvements through a variety of programs, to include the Highway Safety Improvement Program and the Federal Railroad Administration’s Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement (CRISI) program
As a firm, we are extremely proud of our work in this area – creating real life safety improvements for the communities we are a part of.
“This project will help us to achieve the City of Houston’s goal of ending traffic deaths and serious injuries on Houston streets by 2030.”
Sectors: Transportation Safety Analysis; Transportation Modeling & Traffic Analysis; Roadway & Infrastructure Design; Intergovernmental Relations & Funding Pursuit; Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities
Services: Area-Wide Safety Analysis; Mapping and Visualization of Crash Incidence; Identification of Countermeasures; Benefit-Cost Assessment; Preliminary Engineering; Funding and Implementation Assistance
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For additional information or questions, contact TGC to learn more about our services, our team, and our mission to connect capital to communities across Texas and beyond.