Galveston County Pelican Island Bridge Replacement
Project Management and Funding Pursuit


Pelican Island is home to hundreds of acres of undeveloped property and is owned by the Port of Galveston and Port Houston. Given its strategic location to open seas, potential for future development and current educational and recreational uses, Pelican Island must stay connected to Galveston Island and the mainland to further achieve the Economic Development Department’s mission. Overall, the completed project represents a successful development of a locally preferred bridge access solution with regional significance. The project obtained $66 million in federal and state funding.

TGC had produced a feasibility analysis report for a previous client that explored reestablishment of rail to Pelican Island. During the course of this analysis, it became evident the primary accessibility focus to the island should concentrate on vehicular rather than rail improvements. Distribution of the feasibility study to City and County officials prompted further project development of a vehicular bridge replacement to Pelican Island. Due to the depth and complexity of information contained in the study, the County contracted TGC to assist the County Engineering Department in leading project development.

The project presented unique challenges in bringing together diverse stakeholder entities while simultaneously satisfying respective visions and agendas of bridge replacement implementation methods. TGC services included:

Oversight of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Process for Engineering Services

  • Developed an RFQ to include the development of an independent cost estimate.

  • Assisted in the evaluation and selection of a qualified engineering team to complete the preliminary engineering and plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) associated with the locally preferred alternative.

  • Assisted the County in reviewing and negotiating proposed fee for the initial scope of work.

  • In coordination with the County Engineer and the County Purchasing Department, prepared and facilitated approval of Consultant Selection Procedures that will meet TxDOT requirements to protect and credit county-funded preliminary engineering expenditures when pursuit of future federal funding commences.

Oversight of Professional Engineer (PE) Process

  • Provided oversight of the consultant engineering team procured to complete the PE process, with a two-year project timeline estimate involving the completion of a project cross-section, delineation of an ultimate alignment, right-of-way acquisition, and estimate of probable construction cost.

  • Reviewed deliverables and monthly invoices by the engineering team to ensure work completed met the goals and objectives of the Stakeholder Working Group.

  • Evaluated work completed for accuracy, completeness, and utility towards the PS&E phase.

  • Provided coordination between TxDOT and the consultant engineer team to ensure design work incorporates the latest TxDOT design specifications and cost assumptions.

  • Assisted the engineering team in adherence to the Uniform Act process, a requirement for the acquisition of right-of-way required for the project.


Sectors: Grant Management, Compliance & Procurement; Roadway & Infrastructure Design; Mobility & Transportation Planning; Intergovernmental Relations & Funding Pursuit

Services: Project Management, Federal and State Compliance, Funding Pursuit, Design Oversight

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