Dayton Mobility & Infrastructure Strategy and Roadway Engineering
TGC worked with the City of Dayton, TX to develop and analyze priority mobility and infrastructure projects, developing seven projects while applying for discretionary funding opportunities and preparing the required analyses for input into the applications. The City was awarded over $2.6M.
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI): TGC identified this program as an opportunity for the City to improve existing railroad crossing infrastructure and submitted an application for preliminary engineering of a grade separation and several other network improvements. Funding Award Amount: $700K
Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Downtown Revitalization Program (DRP): TGC developed improvements for pedestrian connectivity and ADA-accessibility in the City downtown area. Funding Award Amount: $350K (maximum award amount)
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Transportation Alternatives/Safe Routes to School (TA/SRTS): TGC developed two sidewalk projects for submission.
Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Call for Projects: TGC submitted a roadway extension and widening project for accessibility and congestion mitigation needs.
Community benefits, feasibility and implementation strategies were evaluated for each project, and developing the projects required site visits, meetings with stakeholders, public meetings facilitation, preparing preliminary cost estimates, performing preliminary drainage calculations, and developing schematics and layouts for proposed improvements.
Additionally, TGC completed alternatives analysis, traffic engineering, and detailed design for the extension of Lover’s Lane between FM 1409 and SH 146. The project included traffic modeling, intersection analysis including traffic signal warrant analysis, and review of alternatives between a variety of roadway cross-sections and permutations. A preferred alternative was reached and concurred with and by City Council. TGC completed detail design work on this project. Project delivery is pending funding.
“TGC is action‐oriented and has been a difference maker for our community.”
Existing Conditions | Source: TGC
Project Construction | Source: TGC
Sectors: Mobility & Transportation Planning; Environmental; Roadway & Infrastructure Design; Transportation Modeling & Traffic Analysis; Intergovernmental Relations & Funding Pursuit; Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities
Services: Project Development, Mobility Planning, Funding Pursuit, Grant Applications, Stakeholder Engagement, Environmental Analysis, Schematic Design, Traffic Analysis, Cost Estimation, Roadway Engineering
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