Webster Trail Feasibility Study

Retained by the City of Webster, TX, TGC designed and examined the feasibility of a proposed shared-use path from FM 270 to Interstate Highway 45. Following data collection and site visit research, alignments were evaluated for construction feasibility. We coordinated with property owners, utility agencies, public state and local agencies to determine design guidelines, process, and permitting. Additional agencies included the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR).

Some project highlights include:

  • Performed an environmental desktop review with permitting recommendations based on project assessments;

  • Managed and supervised schematic development and cost estimates for alternative alignments;

  • Developed GIS maps and exhibits to illustrate proposed alignments, impacts, mobility connections, land use, and environmental reviews; and

  • Provided recommendations and developed strategies to align project with funding opportunities.


Sectors: Mobility & Transportation Planning; Environmental; Roadway & Infrastructure Design; Intergovernmental Relations & Funding Pursuit; Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities

Services: Mobility Planning, Schematic Design, GIS Analysis, Environmental Assessment, Funding Pursuit, Grant Management, Intergovernmental Coordination, Procurement Assistance

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