The Woodlands Transit Oriented Development & Public-Private Partnerships
TGC’s role in The Woodlands began in the 1980’s through direct coordination with George P. Mitchell and Ian McHarg. Discussions between the parties led to the focus on the concept and creation of a public-private partnership for one of the first sustainability-oriented master planned developments in the country. TGC’s direct involvement includes:
Initial transit planning and development of concept plans, demand estimates, and operational pro formas for the Waterway Trolley system and associated shared use path system.
Partnership development between the Development Company and local transit entities to develop FTA approved transit plans, Letters of No Prejudice, and pursue, over 37 years, approximately $35M in Federal Transit Administration funding.
Coordination with TxDOT and other project partners for the separate allocation of highway funding for Lake Woodlands Drive and the “jug handle” connection ramp from IH-45.
Continued project planning, design oversight, construction phase services and grant management to ensure adherence to federal and state funding requirements and consistency with the overall public-private partnership agreement between project partners.
Funding Highlights: Approximately $35M in FTA Formula or Flexible Funding
$3.5M STEP Grant, transferred to FTA for extension of corridor
$10M+ CMAQ and STP Funds for various shared use path improvements
$3M in CMAQ Funds for P&R garage, later repositioned
$2M ARRA Grant for Water Cruiser Facility
Transitway funded with 5307, STP, and CMAQ Funds
Sectors: Transit Planning; Mobility & Transportation Planning; Economic Development; Intergovernmental Relations & Funding Pursuit; Grant Management, Compliance & Procurement; Construction Administration
Services: Transit Planning, Mobility Planning, Urban Planning, Economic Analysis, Project Funding & Finance, Funding Pursuit, Grant Management, Special District Creation & Coordination, Stakeholder Engagement, Design Oversight, Construction Administration, Intergovernmental Coordination
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For additional information or questions, contact TGC to learn more about our services, our team, and our mission to connect capital to communities across Texas and beyond.