McNair & Linus Community Plan
The McNair & Linus Community Plan was initiated by Harris County Precinct 2 to create a strategic plan organized by a shared vision and goals for the future. The McNair & Linus Community Plan suggests improvements and makes recommendations in a variety of areas, including quality of life, transportation, infrastructure, economic development, housing, parks and recreation. The Plan was a collaborative effort with Harris County Public Health, who integrated a heath lens into this initiative.
TGC conducted field assessments and collected data to determine the existing conditions of the study area. The project team also conducted extensive public outreach, including developing a survey, attending public events, and convening task force meetings, public meetings and an in-person open house to ensure stakeholder engagement. The needs and vision for the community along with the goals were developed as part of the planning process.
The recommendations for the plan support the needs and vision for the community along with the goals that were developed through stakeholder engagement. Over 25 recommendations were made for the area to address key concerns of the community. The recommendations are organized into short/medium-term and long-term categories; a funding and implementation plan was created for each recommendation.
Precinct 2 has committed to improving multimodal access to the Harlem Elementary School located in McNair, with a school access project selected from the McNair & Linus Community Plan as the first recommendation to move forward. The final report can be accessed at
“As usual, you all have knocked it out of the park!”
Sectors: Community Planning; Roadway & Infrastructure Design; Mobility & Transportation Planning; Intergovernmental Relations & Funding Pursuit; Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities
Services: Public-Private Partnership Coordination, Stakeholder & Public Engagement, Preliminary Engineering, Transportation Planning, Urban Design
Subconsultants: Clark Condon, Outreach Strategists, Urban Partnerships Community Development Corporation
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