Southeast Texas Regional Hike and Bike Plan

TGC was hired by the Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC) to review and update an original plan created by Texas A&M Texas Target Communities. TGC’s scope of work included the review of federal, state, and local guidance, update for consistency, complete additional public outreach, and create a project prioritization tool that would allow SETRPC to prioritize projects based on several criteria that could be weighted differently depending on individual community priorities.

The project involved several public meetings, surveys with the bicycle community, and significant conversation with key stakeholders on project prioritization metrics and weights. The final product was a completed and revised plan inclusive of methodology and output from the created prioritization tool. The Excel-based tool, developed in an open-source format, was delivered to the SETPRC for future use. The tool has initially identified 20 top projects for advancement and further development.

The plan was completed in 2022 and adopted unanimously by the SETRPC Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Board.


Sectors: Mobility & Transportation Planning; Intergovernmental Relations & Funding Pursuit; Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities

Services: Regional Bicycle Planning, Stakeholder Engagement

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